Deposits & Payments:
On confirmation of your tour, we require a 20% deposit within 7 days.
Full payment is due no later than 3 months prior to departure of your tour.
We do offer a 7 day cooling off period, where by if you decide that the tour
you have booked is not for you, we will fully refund your deposit up to 7
days from receiving your payment. After this time your deposit is non refundable.
Tour Prices:
Due to current fluctuations in the New Zealand Dollar, prices cannot be 100% guaranteed until
the tour cost has been paid in full. All tour pricing is based on current rates of exchange at time of printing and are expected to remain the same until your tour departs. We reserve the right to pass on any significant cost increases should this be necessary. Please be assured we do our best to absorb any small
currency fluctuations where possible.
- Cancellations advised in writing more than 7 days from payment – 100% non refundable
- Cancellations advised in writing between 60-90 days before tour departure – 100% of your deposit plus any fees or penalties imposed by suppliers such as coach operators and hotels.
- Cancellation advised in writing less than 60 days before tour departure – 100% of your tour price
- After departure for whatever reason you do not utilise the included tour arrangements, no refunds will be recoverable
- If for any reason your tour is unable to go ahead, due to lack of numbers wanting to take part on the tour, or for any unforeseen world circumstances where we deem it unsafe, we reserve the right to cancel the tour up to 3 months before departure, and will fully refund your deposit
Travel Insurance:
Please be advised that you are wholly responsible to be adequately covered regarding travel insurance.
We (Creative Tours and Travel) have no liability for any loss, damage or suffering incurred before, during or after completion of your holiday.
We can assist with finding the right travel cover to suit you, so please ask us for help with this at any time.
Passports & Visas:
For any tour you will require a current passport, with a minimum validity of six months at the time you return to New Zealand. Part of the service we offer includes checking visas for you before you travel.
We will require a copy of your passport before you travel. If you require our help booking flights, we will need a copy of your passport before any reservations can be made.
Travel Documents:
Final documents will be sent to you approximately 3 weeks before travel. Documents will include a full itinerary with all contact details for each hotel, plus all other relevant information. Both paper and digital documents will be sent to you.
Itinerary Information:
All care is taken at the time of advertising this tour. We ensure that all details are correct and up to date
at time of printing your itinerary, prior to departure. We rely on our suppliers to send us the most up to date information as possible, and cannot be held responsible if some services on your tour are not 100% as expected. Hotel rooms for example shown on our itinerary may differ to that you are given at check in. All images are selected to give a good indication of what to expect, but room locations may differ slightly.
Sightseeing tours may run slightly late due to circumstances that are out of the operators control, however we can assure you that all our suppliers are dedicated to providing the best possible experience to all guests.
Our Liability To You:
The operators shall be responsible to the passenger for supplying the services and accommodations described in the itinerary except where such services cannot be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of the operators.
In such circumstances, the operators will do their best to supply comparable services, accommodations and itineraries and there shall be no refund in this connection. In the absence of their own negligence, neither the operators nor their agents or co-operating organizations shall be responsible for any cancellations, delays, diversions or substitution of equipment of any act or omission whatsoever by air carriers, hoteliers or hotels, transportation companies, or any other persons providing any of the services and accommodations to passengers including any results thereof, such as changes in services or accommodation necessitated by same. Nor shall they be liable for injury, illness or death, or on tour any damages or claims whatsoever arising from loss, negligence or delay form the act, error or negligence or any person not its direct employee or under its exclusive control. All baggage and personal effects are at all times and in all circumstances at the risk of the tour participant.
Baggage insurance is recommended. The carriers, hotels and other suppliers who provide services on tour are independent contractors, they are not agents, employees or servants of the operators, or their associated companies. The operators are not responsible for any criminal conduct by third parties. Transportation companies, airlines etc. are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board planes, transportation or conveyances. The passengers contracts in use by the airlines or transportation companies when used shall constitute the sole contract between the airline, transportation company and passenger or purchaser of this tour and the operators assume no responsibility in this connection. Enrolment in and payment for a tour shall constitute agreement and acceptance by the passenger of the terms and conditions set forth in this brochure which cannot be carried except in writing by an officer of the company.
Due to current fluctuations in the New Zealand Dollar prices cannot be guaranteed until tour cost paid in full. All tour prices are based on rates (including foreign exchange rates) known at the time of printing and expected to be in effect at the time of departure. We reserve the right to pass on any increase in government taxes should they occur after printing. Please note NO New Zealand GST content in overseas travel. You should note that your tour or holiday is subject to terms and conditions some of which are often imposed by International Convention between countries. If while you are on this tour you consider that any aspect of it was not accurately represented in the brochure please inform us immediately. We are unable to accept responsibility for any aspect of your holiday arrangements affected by matters over which we have no control. Without limiting that provision this will include war or threat of war, riots and civil strife, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, weather conditions, fire, flood, drought, industrial disputes or governmental action or reasonable apprehension of the foregoing causing cancellation or curtailment. We and our various suppliers reserve the right to refuse to carry or accommodate any person whom we consider unsuitable by physical or mental condition, or who, after the tour commences, behaves in an unacceptable manner.
Legal claims:
Any claims or legal action in connection with the provisions of our services to you will be governed by the laws of New Zealand. Any claim or legal action against suppliers is likely to be subject to terms of your contract with them and may be governed by the laws of other countries.